Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sights and Sounds: Stone Temple Pilots & 28 Days Later

For my first Sights and Sounds, I'd like to shine the spotlight on to one of my favorite bands of all time: Stone Temple Pilots. Scott Weiland (vocals) and Robert DeLeo (bassist/vocals) met in 1986 at a Black Flag concert in Cali. They started chatting about their girlfriends, then realized they were dating the same girl, and instantly bonded over it. And, yes... they did eventually break up with her. They started a band together called Mighty Joe Young, which then changed to Shirley Temple's Pussy, which then changed to Stone Temple Pilots (they really only liked the abbreviation STP).
In 1992, they realeased their debut album Core. Core is 8-times Platinum, by the way (So, uhhmm, Booyah). Like almost every other rock band in the 90s, STP went through fights, fall outs, and addictions. Most revolving around Scott Weiland (whose uber-godlike in my eyes).
As a young girl, STP caught my eye because of Scott Weiland. He was wild, flashy, entertaining, and talented (yikes!). And, he's a diva; get over it.
Dear God, if I'm good, can you take me back to 1994?
That was my Sound. For Sights, I'll do my favorite movie of all time: 28 Days Later. Directed by Danny Boyle (who would later go on to make Slumdog Millionaire) and starring the always amazing Brendan Gleeson, Cillian Murphy, and Naomie Harris, this film takes an imaginative look at a post-apocalyptic London, due to a virus outbreak. This movie has bomb-ass actors, amazing shots, a magnificent soundtrack, and it's quotable (oh, I do love a quotable movie). It's not a zombie movie despite what everyone thinks, and it's not a Horror movie either. This is exactly what a Drama should be.
I feel like many people try to delve too deep into movies, always analyzing. Sometimes it's best to take things as they are. For me, a good movie is one that has good performances, great angles and shots that match the tone of the scene, and a soundtrack that does the same. Because at the end of the day, most movies are for entertainment purposes.
Were you entertained?

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